The launch of the Vande Bharat Express trains revolutionised the rail system in India. These fast trains, also known as Train 18, were created and produced in India, displaying the might of that nation's rail industry.
There are currently 18 Vande Bharat Express trains running on various routes around the nation, providing passengers with a convenient and comfortable travel experience. Modern amenities and features are available on the Vande Bharat Express trains. They are renowned for their efficiency, dependability, and cutting-edge style.
These trains have gained popularity among passengers because of their plush seats, roomy interiors, and cutting-edge amenities. For a clean and hygienic travel experience, passengers can benefit from amenities including Wi-Fi connectivity, onboard entertainment, GPS-based passenger information systems, and bio-toilets. Here is the full list of Vande Bharat Express trains operating on different routes in India:
1) New Delhi – Varanasi Vande Bharat Express: On February 15, 2019, the first Vande Bharat train was flagged off along the New Delhi-Kanpur-Allahabad-Varanasi route. Except on Thursday, the train runs on six different days. The train travels a distance of 759 kilometres when it leaves the New Delhi railway station at 6:00 am and arrives in Varanasi at 2:00 pm.
2) New Delhi – Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra (J&K) Vande Bharat Express: This Vande Bharat train travels eight hours between New Delhi Station and the base camp of Mata Vaishno Devi in Katra. Except for Tuesday, the train runs six days a week. At 6:00 am, the train leaves the New Delhi train station and arrives at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra at 2:00 pm.
3) Gandhinagar- Mumbai Vande Bharat Express: Except for Sunday, the train runs six days a week. The train travels 522 kilometres from Mumbai Central to Gandhinagar Capital Station, arriving at that station at 12:25 pm.
4) New Delhi – Amb Andaura Vande Bharat Express: Except on Friday, the train runs on six different days. The train leaves the New Delhi train station at 05:50 in the morning and arrives in Amb Anadaura at 11:05 in the morning.
5) Chennai-Mysuru Vande Bharat Express: Except for Wednesday, the train runs six days a week. The train travels 401 kilometres from Chennai to Mysuru Junction, arriving at that location around 12:20 pm.